Monday, September 14, 2015

Measurement of Consciousness

The literature has a lot of stuff which indicate that different persons/species have different level of consciousness, but there is no straight forward answer of the question, 'what should be the attributes for measuring the consciousness?' The meditation technique as available at is suggesting some clues to move forward and develop a framework for quantifying the level of consciousness as a vector in the 5-dimensional space. These dimensions may be defined as  Ojas (enthusiasm, passion etc. ),  Tejas (Bravery, talent etc.), Pragya (Wisdom, balance, etc.), Varchas (determination, faith, tenderness, etc.) and Kanti (peace, happiness etc.). All of the above dimensions/attributes can be easily experienced but there is no scientifically established technique for quantifying them. Whenever science deliver the technique for measurement of above attributes it will bring a great change in the way we think and the way we work. It will enable precise (perhaps unique too) measurement of the length and direction of the 5-dimensional consciousness vector of all living beings. Intuitively, enhancing the length of the consciousness vector will become the only task of the human life, everything else will be treated as supporting activities for retaining the body, without which the consciousness cannot act.
At different point of time various persons developed simple algorithms like meditation, yoga, namaz, prayer, bhajankarmayoga etc. and asked the ordinary people to use these techniques for enhancing their consciousness vector length and fine tuning its direction. Such persons themselves possessed very high level of consciousness, thus, they got recognition as the messengers of GOD. The collection of algorithms defined by these persons gave birth to various religions. Unfortunately, over the time the consciousness vectors of their disciple fell too short to truly understand and explain these algorithms to their followers, thus, knowingly or unknowingly such disciples distorted the basic principles and/or added misguiding rituals with respective religion. These suboptimal rituals have ruined all religions which has created a threat to the existence of human and humanity. May the experts of all religions should use science as a tool for ratifying the core principles of their religion, striking off the ruined practices/rituals and making a better world.
Some research has already been started on scientific evaluation/validation of various religious practices but it requires more attention of the research community. We must find if there is something hidden in various mythological stories, representations of God(s), meditation techniques, etc. How can it be used for benefiting the human being and the world?