Delivering 'Problem-Solvers' to the world, Continuous upgradation of the average level of knowledge and skills of the society, Providing fair opportunities of learning to all human empowering them to live happily and to contribute something for the welfare of the humanity are the main objectives of an education system. The evaluation of current schooling and university education systems on these parameters puts a big question mark on the fundamental principles, objectives, methodology and other aspects of these systems. Though, the performance of a few premier schools, universities and institutes are comparatively better, but good quality intake in these institutes is the primary reason behind it. Nevertheless, the limited capability of serving a small group of students and unfeasible replication are the main drawback of these models which rule out its prospects of becoming a system for ensuring quality education for all human.
Looking into known Indian history, the success stories of Chandragupta Mourya, Shivaji, Swami Vivekananda, etc. illustrates the capabilities of ancient Indian education system and the importance of Guru-Shishya relationship. The famous saying of Sant Kabir further underlines it. Well defined end points, blind devotion and faith of shishyas, extraordinary gurus who used to develop the customized course of training stretched over a long period of their association, are some of the interesting features of this system. Very poor scalability and 'Chicken-Egg' kind of problem in finding Gurus and Shishyas of aforementioned qualities restrict switching back to this education system too.
We are now compelled to think afresh. I wonder, if a uniform framework of education for all human in the world can be developed. It should make available all resources for educating all human, irrespective of their geographical location, language and GDP of their countries. I am surely talking about something much beyond the online courses/workshops, distance education, video lectures, virtual labs or other such available technologies. May the best brains of the world raise themselves above the nationalism, start thinking 'out of box' and deliver a new framework for educating the children, young and old people of the world in near future.